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Protomatter Software v1.1.8

Class BasicLogger

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DatabaseLog, FileLog, JMSLog, LengthRolloverLog, MailLog, OpenFileLog, PrintWriterLog, RemoteLog, TimeRolloverLog, UNIXSyslogLog

public abstract class BasicLogger
extends java.lang.Object
implements Syslogger

A base class for Syslogger implementations. This class provides common functions for setting the date format for log entries and for formatting dates. The default policy used by this logger is the SimpleLogPolicy policy. The default text formatter is the SimpleSyslogTextFormatter formatter. If this class is used in JDK 1.4, the defauly text formatter is the JDK14SyslogTextFormatter.

See Also:
XML configuration class

Field Summary
protected  SyslogTextFormatter formatter
protected  LogPolicy policy
protected  LogPolicy realPolicy
Constructor Summary
          The default constructor -- configure() will need to be called.
Method Summary
protected  void formatLogEntry(java.lang.StringBuffer b, SyslogMessage message)
          Format the log entry using the current log formatter.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get this logger's name.
 LogPolicy getPolicy()
          Get the log policy used by this logger.
 SyslogTextFormatter getTextFormatter()
          Get the log formatter object used by this logger.
 boolean isSuspended()
          Determine if this logger is suspended or not.
 boolean mightLog(java.lang.Object logger, int level, java.lang.String channel)
protected  void resetDateFormat()
          Reset the text formatter's date format.
 void resume()
          Resume operations with this logger.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Set this logger's name.
 void setPolicy(LogPolicy policy)
          Set the log policy used by this logger.
 void setTextFormatter(SyslogTextFormatter formatter)
          Set the log formatter object used by this logger.
protected  boolean shouldLog(SyslogMessage message)
          A utility method to see if the current log policy says we should pay attention to this message.
 void suspend()
          Suspend the operation of this logger.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.protomatter.syslog.Syslogger
flush, log, shutdown

Field Detail


protected LogPolicy policy


protected LogPolicy realPolicy


protected SyslogTextFormatter formatter
Constructor Detail


public BasicLogger()
The default constructor -- configure() will need to be called.
Method Detail


public void suspend()
Suspend the operation of this logger. After suspending a logger, it will no longer accept new messages. Any messages alread received an in a buffer may or may not be written.


public void resume()
Resume operations with this logger. Any new messages will be processed normally.


public boolean isSuspended()
Determine if this logger is suspended or not.


public void setPolicy(LogPolicy policy)
Set the log policy used by this logger.
Specified by:
setPolicy in interface Syslogger


public LogPolicy getPolicy()
Get the log policy used by this logger.
Specified by:
getPolicy in interface Syslogger


public boolean mightLog(java.lang.Object logger,
                        int level,
                        java.lang.String channel)

Determine if it's likely that a message from the given logger at the given level on the given channel will be paid attention to. This method delegates the decision to the LogPolicy that's being used. The message generated to query the policy has everything except the message, detail and hostname filled in.
Specified by:
mightLog in interface Syslogger
See Also:


public void setTextFormatter(SyslogTextFormatter formatter)
Set the log formatter object used by this logger.
Specified by:
setTextFormatter in interface Syslogger


public SyslogTextFormatter getTextFormatter()
Get the log formatter object used by this logger.
Specified by:
getTextFormatter in interface Syslogger


protected boolean shouldLog(SyslogMessage message)
A utility method to see if the current log policy says we should pay attention to this message.


protected void formatLogEntry(java.lang.StringBuffer b,
                              SyslogMessage message)
Format the log entry using the current log formatter.
See Also:


protected void resetDateFormat()
Reset the text formatter's date format. This is basically a kludge for loggers that rotate their logs.
See Also:


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set this logger's name.
Specified by:
setName in interface Syslogger


public java.lang.String getName()
Get this logger's name.
Specified by:
getName in interface Syslogger

Protomatter Software v1.1.8
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.8