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Protomatter Software v1.1.8

Class UNIXSyslogLog

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UNIXSyslogLog
extends BasicLogger

A logger that sends UDP packets to a UNIX syslog server. This logger sends UDP packets to UNIX servers running a BSD-style syslogd daemon. Refer to RFC 3164 for information about the protocol.

With the default formatting options, a call to, "Hello there") will result in the following to be written to /var/log/messages (or its equivalent) on the UNIX box:

This assumes you logged from a class called MyClass, that you havn't set the tag to some more meaningful value, and that your hostname is "sillysailor".

See Also:
XML configuration class

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CALLER_TOKEN
static java.lang.String CHANNEL_TOKEN
static java.util.Map DEFAULT_SEVERITY_MAP
          The default severity map.
static java.lang.String FULLCALLER_TOKEN
static java.lang.String MESSAGE_TOKEN
static java.lang.String SEVERITY_TOKEN
static java.lang.String THREAD_TOKEN
static int UNIX_ALERT
          Alert: take action immediately (RFC 3164).
static int UNIX_CRITICAL
          Critical: critical conitions (RFC 3164).
static int UNIX_DEBUG
          Debug: debug-level messages (RFC 3164).
          Emergency: system is unusable (RFC 3164).
static int UNIX_ERROR
          Error: error conditions (RFC 3164).
static int UNIX_INFO
          Informational: informational messages (RFC 3164).
static int UNIX_NOTICE
          Notice: normal but significant (RFC 3164).
static int UNIX_WARNING
          Warning: warning conditions (RFC 3164).
Fields inherited from class com.protomatter.syslog.BasicLogger
formatter, policy, realPolicy
Constructor Summary
          Create a new UNIX logger with no settings.
UNIXSyslogLog( address)
          Create a new UNIX logger sending messages to the given host on the default syslog port (514).
UNIXSyslogLog( address, int port)
          Create a new UNIX logger sending messages to the given host and port.
Method Summary
 void flush()
          Flush the given logger's output.
 int getFacility()
          Get the facility ID that messages appear to be from. getLogServer()
          Get the address of the log server.
 java.lang.String getMessageTemplate()
          Get the text template used to format part of the packet body.
 int getPort()
          Get the port number on the log server.
 java.util.Map getSeverityMap()
          Get the map to use when converting Syslog severities into UNIX severities.
protected  java.lang.String getSeverityName(int syslogSeverity)
 boolean getShowHostname()
          Determine if we should show the hostname before the "tag".
 java.lang.String getTag()
          Get the tag that messages appear as.
 void log(SyslogMessage message)
          Log a message.
 void setFacility(int facility)
          Set the facility ID that messages appear to be from.
 void setLogServer( address)
          Set the address of the log server.
 void setMessageTemplate(java.lang.String template)
          Set the message body formatting template.
 void setPort(int port)
          Set the port number on the log server.
 void setSeverityMap(java.util.Map map)
          Set the map to use when converting Syslog severities into UNIX severities.
 void setShowHostname(boolean showHostname)
          Set if we should show the hostname before the "tag".
 void setTag(java.lang.String tag)
          Set the tag that messages appear as.
 void shutdown()
          Shutdown this logger.
Methods inherited from class com.protomatter.syslog.BasicLogger
formatLogEntry, getName, getPolicy, getTextFormatter, isSuspended, mightLog, resetDateFormat, resume, setName, setPolicy, setTextFormatter, shouldLog, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CHANNEL_TOKEN


public static final java.lang.String FULLCALLER_TOKEN


public static final java.lang.String CALLER_TOKEN


public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_TOKEN


public static final java.lang.String THREAD_TOKEN


public static final java.lang.String SEVERITY_TOKEN


public static final int UNIX_DEBUG
Debug: debug-level messages (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_INFO
Informational: informational messages (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_NOTICE
Notice: normal but significant (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_WARNING
Warning: warning conditions (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_ERROR
Error: error conditions (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_CRITICAL
Critical: critical conitions (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_ALERT
Alert: take action immediately (RFC 3164).


public static final int UNIX_EMERGENCY
Emergency: system is unusable (RFC 3164).


public static java.util.Map DEFAULT_SEVERITY_MAP
The default severity map.
Constructor Detail


public UNIXSyslogLog( address,
                     int port)
              throws SyslogInitException
Create a new UNIX logger sending messages to the given host and port.


public UNIXSyslogLog( address)
              throws SyslogInitException
Create a new UNIX logger sending messages to the given host on the default syslog port (514).


public UNIXSyslogLog()
              throws SyslogInitException
Create a new UNIX logger with no settings. You must call setLogServer() at least before trying to use this.
Method Detail


public void setMessageTemplate(java.lang.String template)
Set the message body formatting template. This string is used to format the body of the UDP packet in conjunction with the java.text.MessageFormat class. The following tokens are replaced in the String during formatting:

{CHANNEL}Channel name
{CALLER-FULLNAME}Full caller class name (with package)
{CALLER}Caller class name
{MESSAGE}Short message
{THREAD}Thread name
{SEVERITY}Severity ("DEBUG" ... "FATAL")

The default value is "[{SEVERITY}] {CALLER}: {MESSAGE}". You can set this to something like "{CHANNEL}: {CALLER}: {MESSAGE}" or "{CALLER}: [{CHANNEL}] {MESSAGE}" as examples to see what you can do with this.


public java.lang.String getMessageTemplate()
Get the text template used to format part of the packet body.


public void setSeverityMap(java.util.Map map)
Set the map to use when converting Syslog severities into UNIX severities. The key in the map should be a java.lang.Integer representing the Syslog severity (Syslog.DEBUG ... Syslog.FATAL), and the value should be a java.lang.Integer representing the UNIX severity to use for the given Syslog severity. The values for UNIX severities are described in RFC 3164, and are represented as static members of this class (UNIXSyslogLog.UNIX_DEBUG ... UNIXSyslogLog.UNIX_EMERGENCY).


public java.util.Map getSeverityMap()
Get the map to use when converting Syslog severities into UNIX severities.


public java.lang.String getTag()
Get the tag that messages appear as. Default is "ProtomatterSyslog".


public void setTag(java.lang.String tag)
Set the tag that messages appear as.


public boolean getShowHostname()
Determine if we should show the hostname before the "tag". Default is "false" The spec says that you should do this, but when I tested under Red Hat Linux 7.2, it just repeated the hostname. Your mileage may vary. The default is false.


public void setShowHostname(boolean showHostname)
Set if we should show the hostname before the "tag".


public void setFacility(int facility)
Set the facility ID that messages appear to be from. Refer to RFC 3164 for more information. Here is the list:

0kernel messages
1user-level messages
2mail system
3system daemons
4security/authorization messages (note 1)
5messages generated internally by syslogd
6line printer subsystem
7network news subsystem
8UUCP subsystem
9clock daemon (note 2)
10security/authorization messages (note 1)
11FTP daemon
12NTP subsystem
13log audit (note 1)
14log alert (note 1)
15clock daemon (note 2)
16local use 0 (local0)
17local use 1 (local1)
18local use 2 (local2)
19local use 3 (local3)
20local use 4 (local4)
21local use 5 (local5)
22local use 6 (local6)
23local use 7 (local7)

Note 1: Various operating systems have been found to utilize Facilities 4, 10, 13 and 14 for security/authorization, audit, and alert messages which seem to be similar.

Note 2: Various operating systems have been found to utilize both Facilities 9 and 15 for clock (cron/at) messages.

The default is 16 (Local Use 0).


public int getFacility()
Get the facility ID that messages appear to be from.


public void setLogServer( address)
Set the address of the log server.


public getLogServer()
Get the address of the log server.


public void setPort(int port)
Set the port number on the log server.


public int getPort()
Get the port number on the log server.


public final void log(SyslogMessage message)
Log a message.


protected java.lang.String getSeverityName(int syslogSeverity)


public void shutdown()
Description copied from interface: Syslogger
Shutdown this logger. The implementation should clean up any resources it has allocated, etc. After this method is called, no more log messages will be sent to this logger. However, if the logger receives messages after the shutdown() method is called, it can assume that logging has resumed. This method is called after the "master switch" inside Syslog has been flipped to "off" in the Syslog.shutdown() method.


public void flush()
Description copied from interface: Syslogger
Flush the given logger's output.

Protomatter Software v1.1.8
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.8