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Protomatter Software v1.1.8

Class LengthRolloverLog

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LengthRolloverLog
extends BasicLogger

An implementation of an object that will log things using the Syslog facility, and roll it's log files after a certain number of bytes have been written to them.

See Also:
XML configuration class

Fields inherited from class com.protomatter.syslog.BasicLogger
formatter, policy, realPolicy
Constructor Summary
          You will need to call the configure() method to configure this logger if you use this constructor.
LengthRolloverLog(java.lang.String basename, java.lang.String extension, int roll, boolean append, boolean autoFlush)
          Write log information to the given log, roll when specified.
Method Summary
 void flush()
          Flush the given logger's output.
 boolean getAppend()
          Get the append-to-file flag.
 boolean getAutoFlush()
          Get the auto-flush flag.
 java.lang.String getBasename()
          Get the base file name. getCurrentFile()
          Get the file currently being written to.
 java.lang.String getExtension()
          Get the file extension. getPreviousFile()
          Get the file that was being written to before we rolled.
 int getRollLength()
          Get the max file size (in bytes).
 void log(SyslogMessage message)
          Log an entry to the log.
 void rollover()
          Roll the logs now.
 void setAppend(boolean append)
          Set the append-to-file flag.
 void setAutoFlush(boolean autoFlush)
          Set the auto-flush flag.
 void setBasename(java.lang.String basename)
          Set the base file name.
 void setExtension(java.lang.String extension)
          Set the file extension.
 void setRollLength(int rolllength)
          Set the max file size (in bytes).
 void shutdown()
          Shutdown this logger.
Methods inherited from class com.protomatter.syslog.BasicLogger
formatLogEntry, getName, getPolicy, getTextFormatter, isSuspended, mightLog, resetDateFormat, resume, setName, setPolicy, setTextFormatter, shouldLog, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LengthRolloverLog(java.lang.String basename,
                         java.lang.String extension,
                         int roll,
                         boolean append,
                         boolean autoFlush)
Write log information to the given log, roll when specified. The file written to will actually be "basename.number" where number is from 1..N (1 being older log entries than N) When starting, if logfiles basename.1 through basename.N exist, it will begin writing to basename.N+1. By default, all channels are listened to.


public LengthRolloverLog()
You will need to call the configure() method to configure this logger if you use this constructor.
Method Detail


public void setRollLength(int rolllength)
Set the max file size (in bytes). Default is 1MB.


public int getRollLength()
Get the max file size (in bytes).


public void setBasename(java.lang.String basename)
Set the base file name.


public java.lang.String getBasename()
Get the base file name.


public void setExtension(java.lang.String extension)
Set the file extension.


public java.lang.String getExtension()
Get the file extension.


public void setAppend(boolean append)
Set the append-to-file flag. Default is true.


public boolean getAppend()
Get the append-to-file flag.


public void setAutoFlush(boolean autoFlush)
Set the auto-flush flag. Default is false.


public boolean getAutoFlush()
Get the auto-flush flag.


public getCurrentFile()
Get the file currently being written to.


public getPreviousFile()
Get the file that was being written to before we rolled.


public void rollover()
Roll the logs now.


public final void log(SyslogMessage message)
Description copied from interface: Syslogger
Log an entry to the log.


public void flush()
Description copied from interface: Syslogger
Flush the given logger's output.


public void shutdown()
Description copied from interface: Syslogger
Shutdown this logger. The implementation should clean up any resources it has allocated, etc. After this method is called, no more log messages will be sent to this logger. However, if the logger receives messages after the shutdown() method is called, it can assume that logging has resumed. This method is called after the "master switch" inside Syslog has been flipped to "off" in the Syslog.shutdown() method.

Protomatter Software v1.1.8
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.8