Syslog White Paper FAQ Examples JavaDoc Classloader
Protomatter Software v1.1.7

Class RemoteLog

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RemoteLog
extends BasicLogger

A logger that sends messages to remote receivers bound in JNDI. Object bound directly under the "com.protomatter.syslog.remote" location in JNDI will receive the log message if they implement the RemoteLogReceiver interface.

When calling methods on the remote objects, they are first run through PortableRemoteObject.narrow() to ensure everything is OK. This should facilitate the use of RMI over IIOP and other transports, and the use of non-Java log receivers via CORBA or another cross-language transport mechanisms.

The SyslogServer class can be used as a standalone remote message receiver. Please see the JavaDoc for that class for more information.

See Also:
XML configuration class

Fields inherited from class com.protomatter.syslog.BasicLogger
formatter, policy, realPolicy
Constructor Summary
          You will need to call the configure() method if you use this constructor.
Method Summary
 void flush()
          Flush the given logger's output.
 void log(SyslogMessage sm)
          Log the given message to all bound listeners.
 void shutdown()
          Prepare for shutdown.
Methods inherited from class com.protomatter.syslog.BasicLogger
formatLogEntry, getName, getPolicy, getTextFormatter, isSuspended, mightLog, resetDateFormat, resume, setName, setPolicy, setTextFormatter, shouldLog, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RemoteLog()
You will need to call the configure() method if you use this constructor.
Method Detail


public final void log(SyslogMessage sm)
Log the given message to all bound listeners. If a RemoteException is thrown while calling the logging callback method on the receiver, then the receiver is unbound from JNDI to prevent further problems with that receiver.


public void shutdown()
Prepare for shutdown.


public void flush()
Description copied from interface: Syslogger
Flush the given logger's output.

Protomatter Software v1.1.7
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.7