Protomatter Software v1.1.7

Class GrowingObjectPool

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BlockingQueue, JdbcConnectionPool, WorkQueue

public abstract class GrowingObjectPool
extends SimpleObjectPool

An ObjectPool implementation that has an initial size and an optional max size. The pool will grow as needed by blocks until the max size is reached.

See Also:
ObjectPool, SimpleObjectPool

Fields inherited from class com.protomatter.pool.SimpleObjectPool
Constructor Summary
          Initialize the object pool.
GrowingObjectPool(boolean monitorCheckedOutObjects)
          Initialize the object pool.
Method Summary
protected  void checkinPoolObject(ObjectPoolObject o)
          This method needs to be implemented by sub-classes.
 int getCreateWaitTime()
          Get the number of milliseconds to sleep between creates of new objects for the pool.
 int getCurrentPoolSize()
          Get the current size of the pool.
 int getInitialObjectPoolSize()
          Get the initial size of the pool.
 int getMaxObjectPoolSize()
          Get the maximum number of objects this pool will hold.
protected  ObjectPoolObject getNextPoolObject()
          Gets the next object from the pool.
 int getObjectPoolGrowSize()
          Get the number of objects the pool should grow by when it needs to grow.
 int getObjectPoolSize()
          Get the number of objects in the pool that are available.
protected  java.util.List getPool()
          Get the pool.
 void init(java.util.Map ht)
          Initialize the pool.
 void reInitializeObjectPool()
          Calls deleteObjectPoolObject() on all objects currently in the pool, and then re-creates the initial number of them.
 void setMaxObjectPoolSize(int size)
          Change the maximum size of the object pool.
Methods inherited from class com.protomatter.pool.SimpleObjectPool
checkin, checkout, createObjectPoolObject, getCheckedOutObjects, getNumWaiters, getObjectsInUse, getSyncObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GrowingObjectPool()
Initialize the object pool. Checked out objects will be monitored.


public GrowingObjectPool(boolean monitorCheckedOutObjects)
Initialize the object pool. Checked out objects will be monitored if monitorCheckedOutObjects is true.
Method Detail


protected java.util.List getPool()
Get the pool.


public int getObjectPoolSize()
Get the number of objects in the pool that are available.


public int getCurrentPoolSize()
Get the current size of the pool. Returns (objects available + objects in use)


protected ObjectPoolObject getNextPoolObject()
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Gets the next object from the pool. If the pool is empty, it is grown by not more than poolGrowBlock elements up to maxPoolSize total.
getNextPoolObject in class SimpleObjectPool
java.lang.Exception - If there is a problem getting the next object from the pool -- could be caused by the createObjectPoolObject() method throwing an exception.


public void setMaxObjectPoolSize(int size)
                          throws PoolException
Change the maximum size of the object pool. The pool will be shrunk unless the number of objects in use (checked out of the pool) is larger than the new desired size of the pool or the desired size is smaller than the initial size of this pool.
PoolException - If the number of objects in use is greater than the desired size of the pool, or if the desired size is smaller than the initial size for this pool.


public void init(java.util.Map ht)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Initialize the pool. Reads the following from the Map:

pool.initialSize (Integer)
The initial pool size (default is 0).
pool.maxSize (Integer)
The max pool size (default is -1). If the max pool size is -1, the pool grows infinitely.
pool.growBlock (Integer)
The grow size (default is 1). When a new object is needed, this many are created.
pool.createWaitTime (Integer)
The time (in ms) to sleep between pool object creates (default is 0). This is useful for database connection pools where it's possible to overload the database by trying to make too many connections too quickly.

java.lang.Exception - If there is an exception initializing the pool.


public void reInitializeObjectPool()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Calls deleteObjectPoolObject() on all objects currently in the pool, and then re-creates the initial number of them.
java.lang.Exception - If there is an exception re-initializing the pool.


protected void checkinPoolObject(ObjectPoolObject o)
Description copied from class: SimpleObjectPool
This method needs to be implemented by sub-classes. It should add the given ObjectPoolObject to the pool.
checkinPoolObject in class SimpleObjectPool
See Also:


public int getInitialObjectPoolSize()
Get the initial size of the pool.


public int getMaxObjectPoolSize()
Get the maximum number of objects this pool will hold.


public int getObjectPoolGrowSize()
Get the number of objects the pool should grow by when it needs to grow.


public int getCreateWaitTime()
Get the number of milliseconds to sleep between creates of new objects for the pool.

Protomatter Software v1.1.7
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.7