Protomatter Software v1.1.8

Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleObjectPool
com.protomatter.jdbc.pool A JDBC Driver that maintains a pool of connections. 
com.protomatter.pool An object pooling framework. 
com.protomatter.util A collection of utility classes. 

Uses of SimpleObjectPool in com.protomatter.jdbc.pool

Subclasses of SimpleObjectPool in com.protomatter.jdbc.pool
 class JdbcConnectionPool
          Provides a pool of pre-opened JDBC connections.

Uses of SimpleObjectPool in com.protomatter.pool

Subclasses of SimpleObjectPool in com.protomatter.pool
 class GrowingObjectPool
          An ObjectPool implementation that has an initial size and an optional max size.

Uses of SimpleObjectPool in com.protomatter.util

Subclasses of SimpleObjectPool in com.protomatter.util
 class BlockingQueue
          A thread-blocking queue.
 class WorkQueue
          A work queue.

Protomatter Software v1.1.8
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.8