Protomatter Software v1.1.8

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectPoolObject
com.protomatter.jdbc.pool A JDBC Driver that maintains a pool of connections. 
com.protomatter.pool An object pooling framework. 
com.protomatter.util A collection of utility classes. 

Uses of ObjectPoolObject in com.protomatter.jdbc.pool

Classes in com.protomatter.jdbc.pool that implement ObjectPoolObject
 class JdbcConnectionPoolConnection
          A java.sql.Connection that's part of a pool of conections.

Methods in com.protomatter.jdbc.pool that return ObjectPoolObject
protected  ObjectPoolObject JdbcConnectionPool.createObjectPoolObject()
          Used internally for growing the pool.

Uses of ObjectPoolObject in com.protomatter.pool

Methods in com.protomatter.pool that return ObjectPoolObject
 ObjectPoolObject SimpleObjectPool.checkout()
          Implements a first in, first out reservation scheme.
protected abstract  ObjectPoolObject SimpleObjectPool.getNextPoolObject()
          This method needs to be implemented by sub-classes.
protected abstract  ObjectPoolObject SimpleObjectPool.createObjectPoolObject()
          To be implemented by sub-classes.
protected  ObjectPoolObject GrowingObjectPool.getNextPoolObject()
          Gets the next object from the pool.
 ObjectPoolObject ObjectPool.checkout()
          Get an object out of the pool.

Methods in com.protomatter.pool with parameters of type ObjectPoolObject
 void SimpleObjectPool.checkin(ObjectPoolObject opo)
          Check an object back into the pool.
protected abstract  void SimpleObjectPool.checkinPoolObject(ObjectPoolObject o)
          This method needs to be implemented by sub-classes.
protected  void GrowingObjectPool.checkinPoolObject(ObjectPoolObject o)
 void ObjectPool.checkin(ObjectPoolObject opo)
          Put an object back into the pool.

Uses of ObjectPoolObject in com.protomatter.util

Methods in com.protomatter.util that return ObjectPoolObject
 ObjectPoolObject WorkQueue.createObjectPoolObject()
 ObjectPoolObject BlockingQueue.createObjectPoolObject()

Protomatter Software v1.1.8
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.8