Protomatter Software v1.1.8

Class PoolTest


public class PoolTest
extends java.lang.Object

A standalone connection pool testing application. Here is an example config file that will hammer a MySQL database:

  ## Protomatter JDBC Connection Pool test
  ## harness config file.

  ## The classname of the underlying JDBC driver that the
  ## pool driver will use.
  jdbc.driver         =

  ## The URL used to connect the underlying driver to
  ## the database.
  jdbc.URL            = jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/mysql

  ## Properties for the underlying driver and it's
  ## connection.  The format is "name=val,name=val,..."
  ##     = user=root,password=secret

  ## A statement to execute.  It doesn't matter what it
  ## is, it should just not throw an error when executed
  ## with Statement.executeQuery(...)
  jdbc.statement      = select * from user

  ## A statement that is guaranteed to return at least 1
  ## row from the database. (for Oracle, this is
  ## "select 1 from dual", for Sybase and MySQL it's
  ## "select 1")
  jdbc.validityCheckStatement = select 1

  ## Number of seconds between pool refreshes by the
  ## low priority pool refresh thread.
  pool.refreshThreadCheckInterval = 10

  ## Should the refresh operation be verbose?
  pool.verboseRefresh = true

  ## Should the pre-checkout validate operation be verbose?
  pool.verboseValidate = true

  ## The initial size of the pool
  pool.initialSize    = 1

  ## The maximum size that the pool should grow to.
  pool.maxSize        = 5

  ## The time (in milliseconds) to sleep between tries
  ## to create multiple connections to the database
  ## (some databases can be overwhelmed by trying to
  ## open a group of connections too fast)
  pool.createWaitTime = 2000

  ## If the pool needs to be grown, this is the number of
  ## connections to allocate at a time.
  pool.growBlock      = 2

  ## Should the pool validate connectione before handing them out?
  pool.validateOnCheckout = true

  ## For the test, the min and max times (in milliseconds)
  ## to sleep between tries to access the database.  A random
  ## interval between these times is picked by each thread.
  test.minSleepTime   = 1000
  test.maxSleepTime   = 2000

  ## The number of test threads to spawn.
  test.numThreads     = 10

  ## Number of times each thread should checkout a
  ## connection and use it.  If this number is -1, the
  ## test will run forever.  If this is set to something
  ## other than -1, when the run is complete, each thread
  ## will display statistics about how long it had to
  ## wait for connections from the pool.
  test.numRuns        = -1

  ## If this property is present, Syslog is initialized using
  ## the given XML file.  If not, a logger is created that writes
  ## to standard out.
  Syslog.xml          = syslog.xml

Modify this config file or write your own, and then pass it to PoolTest as it's first commandline argument, like this:

  java com.protomatter.jdbc.pool.PoolTest

Method Summary
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)

Protomatter Software v1.1.8
Copyright 1998-2002 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Software v1.1.8