Protomatter Classes v1.1.6

Package com.protomatter.pas.serviceimpl

Default implementations for miscellaneous PAS services.


Class Summary
PASWorkServiceImpl The default implementation of the com.protomatter.pas.service.PASWorkService interface.

Package com.protomatter.pas.serviceimpl Description

Default implementations for miscellaneous PAS services.

Work Queues

Work queues can be defined in the properties file, and then accessed through JNDI. You specify a work queue like this:
     pas.startupClass.WorkQueue =\
     pas.startupArgs.WorkQueue = q1=10,q2=5,q3=10
This defines a queue named "q1" with 10 work threads, a queue named "q2" with 5 work threads, and another queue named "q3" with 10 work threads. To use the queues, do something like this:
     import javax.naming.*;                // JNDI stuff
     import com.protomatter.pas.service.*; // PASWorkService


     Context context = get_A_JNDI_Context();
     PASWorkService ws
       = (PASWorkService)context.lookup(PASWorkService.JNDI_NAME);
     ws.addWork(myRunnable); // add work to the default queue.
     ws.addWork("q1", myRunnable); // add work to the "q1" queue.
After connecting to the PASWorkService, you can add work (in the form of any object that implements the java.lang.Runnable interface) to any of the configured work queues or to the default queue (see the javadoc for PASWorkService for available methods). You can also interrogate each of the queues and find out the queue length, the number of threads currently working and currently waiting, and the number of threads in general.

Protomatter Classes v1.1.6
Copyright 1998-2001 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Classes v1.1.6