Protomatter Classes v1.1.6

Package com.protomatter.jdbc.pool

A JDBC Driver that maintains a pool of connections.


Class Summary
JdbcConnectionPool Provides a pool of pre-opened JDBC connections.
JdbcConnectionPoolConnection A java.sql.Connection that's part of a pool of conections.
JdbcConnectionPoolDataSource An implementation of the javax.sql.DataSource and javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource interfaces.
JdbcConnectionPoolDriver The driver for use with JDBC connection pools.
JdbcConnectionPoolPooledConnection An implementation of the javax.sql.PooledConnection interface.
PASJdbcPoolShutdown A shutdown class for use with the Protomatter Application Server.
PASJdbcPoolStartup A startup class for use with the Protomatter Application Server.
PoolTest A standalone connection pool testing application.

Exception Summary
PoolSQLException A SQLException from a JDBC Connection pool that can mask another exception.

Package com.protomatter.jdbc.pool Description

A JDBC Driver that maintains a pool of connections.

The Protomatter JDBC Connection Pool Driver has three main components: the driver, the pool and the connection. The pool holds many open connections, and the driver simply asks the pool for a connection.

Driver Features
  1. Dynamically grows based on use.
  2. Can automatically refresh connections that have become stale as a result of database errors (including database restarts, etc).
  3. Can be configured to automatically close connections that have been idle for too long, and will log a stack trace of where the connection was first opened (this is useful for debugging).
  4. Automatically blocks threads until a connection is available.
  5. Drop-in replacement for "normal" drivers -- just change the driver class and URL that's being used.

Loading the Driver
To load the driver, simply execute this code:


The driver automatically registers itself with the JDBC DriverManager when the class is loaded by the VM. Because the driver keeps a list of pools as a static (class) variable, and because of a bug in JDK 1.1.x's classloader, you may need to either keep a reference to an instance of the JdbcConnectionPoolDriver class somewhere where it won't be re-claimed by the garbage collector, or you may need to give java the -noclassgc flag.

Creating a new Connection Pool
To create a new JDBC Connection Pool, you need to give it a name and initialization parameters.

One example is:

// initialization params are kept in a Hashtable
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();

// the underlying driver -- in this case, the Oracle thin driver.
args.put("jdbc.driver", "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");

// the URL to connect the underlyng driver with the server
args.put("jdbc.URL", "jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:1521:ORCL");

// these are properties that get passed
// to DriverManager.getConnection(...)
Properties jdbcProperties = new Properties();
jdbcProperties.put("user", "admin");
jdbcProperties.put("password", "secret");
args.put("", jdbcProperties);

// a statement that is guaranteed to work
// if the connection is working.
args.put("jdbc.validityCheckStatement", "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");

// If this is specified, a low-priority thread will
// sit in the background and refresh this pool every
// N seconds.  In this case, it's refreshed every two minutes.
args.put("pool.refreshThreadCheckInterval", new Integer(120));

// the initial size of the pool.
args.put("pool.initialSize", new Integer(5));

// the maximum size the pool can grow to.
args.put("pool.maxSize", new Integer(10));

// each time the pool grows, it grows by this many connections
args.put("pool.growBlock", new Integer(2));

// between successive connections, wait this many milliseconds.
args.put("pool.createWaitTime", new Integer(2000));

// finally create the pool and we're ready to go!
JdbcConnectionPool oraclePool
  = new JdbcConnectionPool("oraclePool", args);

Once a pool is created, it is automatically registered with the pool driver -- you can immediately start opening connections with it.

Getting a connection from a pool
Lets say that you have created a connection pool named "myConnectionPool" and you now want to get a connection from it. Simply do the following:
String url = "jdbc:protomatter:pool:oraclePool";
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
The URL given to the DriverManager is just "jdbc:protomatter:pool:poolName" where poolName is the name of the pool you want a connection from.

If there is not a connection available, and the maximum size for the pool has been reached, the caller is placed in a FIFO queue of threads waiting for connections to become available, and is awakened after a connection is checked back in. If the maximum size for the queue has not been reached and there are no available connections, a new connection is created and handed out. Of course, if there is a connection available, it is handed out immediately.

You can also use the JDBC 2.x javax.sql.DataSource interface to get connections from a pool. Simply do the following:

DataSource ds = new JdbcConnectionPoolDataSource("oraclePool");
Connection c = ds.getConnection();
And then use the connection as you would normally.

Using a connection
Use a connection from the pool just like you would use a "normal" connection. The only difference is that when you call close() on it, it does not close the connection. Instead, the connection is marked closed and put back into the pool. When a connection is put back into the pool, the following is done to it does the following is done to the underlying connecton:

  1. If autocommit was set to true, commit() is called.
  2. clearWarnings() is called.
  3. The catalog is set back to it's original value (only if it's value was changed).
  4. The type map is set back to it's original value (only if it's value was changed).
  5. The transaction isolation level is set back to it's original value (only if it's value was changed).
  6. The value for the autocommit flag is set back to it's original value (only if it's value was changed).
  7. The value for the read-only flag is set back to it's original value (only if it's value was changed).

As you might guess, it's very important to close a connection when you are done using it, or the pool will "leak" connections. We suggest using the pool within a try/catch/finally block, like this:

Connection c = null;
PreparedStatement s = null;
ResultSet r = null;
  String url = "jdbc:protomatter:pool:myConnectionPool";
  c = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
  s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE");
  r = s.executeQuery();
  while (
    // do something with each row
catch (SQLException x)
  // handle the exception
  // it's important to enclose the calls to close()
  // in a try block to make sure all three get called.
  try { r.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { ; }
  try { s.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { ; }
  try { c.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { ; }
It's also important to make sure you close all Statement, PreparedStatement and ResultSet objects associated with a connection before you close the connection itself.

This package (as all the com.protomatter packages are) is licensed under the LGPL version 2. The source code contained here is Copyright © 1998-2000 Nate Sammons.

For More Information
For more information on the Protomatter JDBC Connection Pool Driver, please consult the documentation for the following classes:


Protomatter Classes v1.1.6
Copyright 1998-2001 Nate Sammons

Protomatter Classes v1.1.6