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Protomatter Application Server version 1.0 SourceForge Project Summary Page Released January 1, 2002 |
Why the license change? I've had lots of questions about commercial use of the libraries, and many corporations are in one way or another paranoid about the LGPL being too close to the GLP, which is quite viral. The Apache license more closely mirrors my own needs for a free software license -- it is extremely simple and clear, and it fits with corporate (closed-source) use of the library. To that end, I've decided to adopt the new license.
If you have any questions about licensing, please don't hesitate to send email to If it takes your lawyer more than 10 minutes to evaluate the license, they are ripping you off -- it's that simple. If they are paranoid enough about things, I'm willing to co-license with select other open-source licenses in extreme cases. Argh... legalese is so annoying.
Also, this is not un-common. Other projects like JDom have done this (their license is much like mine), WebDAV has a similar license, PHP has a similar license, and of course all Apache Software Foundation projects are licensed under similar licenses. These licenses are all in essence the BSD license, mildly adapted.
It's unfortunate that what essentially happens is that each
project gets its own license, when what you really want
is to say "