BreadCrumb = Breadcrumb at {0} InvalidPattern = Invalid pattern: {0} CannotConfigure = Cannot configure Syslog FlushProblem = Problem flushing logger \"{0}\": {1} WriteProblem = Problem writing mesage to logger \"{0}\": {1} ResourceNotFound = Resource \"{0}\" could not be found. FlushThreadName = SyslogFlushThread ConfiguredSyslog = Configured Syslog ConfiguringSyslog = Configuring Syslog ConfiguringSyslogFrom = Configuring Syslog from \"{0}\" ShutdownSyslog = Shutting down Syslog FlushLoggers = Flushing all loggers CannotRegisterLogger = Cannot register logger \"{0}\" FileNotFound = File \"{0}\" does not exist. ParameterMustBeInteger = The value of the \"{0}\" parameter must be an integer. ParameterMustBeAorB = The value of the \"{0}\" parameter must be either \"{1}\" or \"{2}\" MustSpecifyInitParam = You must specify the \"{0}\" init parameter. CannotSetFlushInterval = Cannot set flush thread interval to less than {0}ms (unless set to {1}) CannotDetermineHostname = Cannot determine local hostname! CannotSetMask = Cannot set Syslog's mask to {0}. InvalidMask = Invalid log mask. IllegalArgument = Illegal Argument: \"{0}\" Channel.ChannelNameNullMessage = Channel name cannot be null. XML.NoSyslogElement = The configuration file must have a \"<{0}>\" element as the root element or a child of the root element. XML.MustSpecifyAttribute = You must specify the \"{0}\" attribute of the \"<{1}>\" element. XML.MustSpecifyParameter = You must specify the \"{0}\" parameter. XML.LoadingConfigFile = Loading configuration from \"{0}\" XML.LoadedConfigIn = Loaded configuration in {0} ms. XML.DumpingConfig = Dumping configuration: XML.ConfigOK = Configuration file is OK. XML.ConfigException = Encountered an exception while loading the configuration: JMSLog.JMSException = {0} while configuring {1} JMSLog.NamingException = {0} while configuring {1} JMSLog.AttemptMessage1 = {0}: attempt to publish log message failed! Please check your cofiguration. JMSLog.AttemptMessage2 = Logger name = {0} JMSLog.AttemptCause = Exception that caused the failure: JMSLog.AttemptOriginal = Original log message: PrintWriterLog.BadStreamName = The \"{0}\" param value must be either \"{1}\" or \"{2}\" Servlet.SnippyResponse = Whoa there.Nothing to see here. Move along... Move along... RemoteLog.JNDIInitException = Cannot initialize JNDI interface RemoteLog.CannotWriteToRemote = {0} writing to log receiver \"{1}\" RemoteLog.RemoveReceiver = Receiver will be removed from JNDI. MailLog.UnexpectedResponse = Unexpected response from server: \"{0}\" MailLog.TransportException = Exception in message transport MailLog.CannotConfigureSubjectFormat = Cannot configure message subject format class \"{0}\" MailLog.CannotWriteSMTP = Cannot write to SMTP server for logging: {0} OpenFileLog.CannotOpen = Cannot open file for logging: {0} FileLog.CannotWriteMessage = Cannot write message to log: {0} BasicLogger.CannotConfigurePolicy = Cannot configure log policy class \"{0}\" BasicLogger.CannotLoadPolicy = Cannot load or instantiate log policy class \"{0}\" BasicLogger.CannotConfigureFormatter = Cannot configure log formatting class \"{0}\" BasicLogger.CannotLoadFormatter = Cannot load or instantiate log formatting class \"{0}\" DatabaseLog.CannotLoadStatementAdapter = Cannot load or create statement adapter \"{0}\" DatabaseLog.NoTextFormatterMessage = {0} requires that the text formatter be a subclass of {1}. DatabaseLog.AttemptMessage1 = {0}: attempt number {1} to write log entry failed! DatabaseLog.AttemptMessage2 = Logger name = {0} DatabaseLog.AttemptMessage3 = JDBC Driver = {0} DatabaseLog.AttemptMessage4 = JDBC URL = {0} DatabaseLog.AttemptMessage5 = JDBC Properties = {0} DatabaseLog.AttemptCause = Exception that caused write failure: DatabaseLog.OriginalMessage = Original log message: FileLog.CannotWriteFile = Cannot write to file for logging: {0} HTML.Output = Syslog Output HTML.Date = Date: HTML.Severity = Severity: HTML.Channel = Channel: HTML.Hostname = Hostname: HTML.Thread = Thread: HTML.Logger = Logger: HTML.Message = Message: SyslogWriter.IsClosed = {0} has been closed. T3.Initializing = initializing T3.AlreadyInitialized = Already initialized T3.Success = success T3.Failure = failure T3.MustSpecify1 = You must specify the \"{0}\" system property. T3.MustSpecify2 = Add the following to the command that starts WLS: T3.MustSpecifyBlah = blah T3.LoggerIsA = logger \"{0}\" is a {1} T3.NoNameLoggerIsA = unnamed logger is a {0} = host WLS.thread = thread Server.Usage = Usage Server.Loading = Loading configuration from \"{0}\" Server.ConfigPropertyError = You need to specify the \"{0}\" system property! Server.InitJNDI = Initializing JNDI Server.ListenJMSTopic = Will listent to a JMS topic. Server.StartingJMS = Starting JMS Connection Server.Suspend = Suspending main thread Server.Binding = Binding listener at \"{0}\" TimeRolloverLog.BadRollValue = Roll value must be between {0} and {1}. TimeRolloverLog.BadRollDayValue = Weekly roll day value must be {0} ... {1}. TimeRolloverLog.IllegalRoll = The \"{0}\" element must be one of: {1}, {2}, {3} {4} or {5} TimeRolloverLog.CannotRoll = {0} rolling log file -- will keep writing to the old one. LengthRolloverLog.CannotRoll = {0} rolling log file -- will keep writing to the old one. JMX.Stopped = Stopped JMX.Stopping = Stopping JMX.Starting = Starting JMX.Started = Started JMX.Unknown = Unknown JMX.CannotLoadFile = {0}: Cannot load file \"{1}\" UNIX.CannotInitSocket = Cannot initialize UDP socket UNIX.CannotWriteMessage = Cannot write message to UDP socket: {0} UNIX.DefaultTag = ProtomatterSyslog UNIX.UnknownHost = Unknown host: {0} UNIX.BadFacility = Bad UNIX syslog facility: {0} UNIX.BadPort = Bad UNIX syslog facility port: {0} UNIX.BadSyslogSeverity = Bad Syslog severity: \"{0}\" UNIX.BadUNIXSeverity = Bad UNIX Syslog facility severity: \"{0}\" UNIX.BadSeverityMap = Bad Syslog->UNIX severity map. Please be sure you have entries for ALL Syslog severities.